What’s Hot in Digital Health? The Venture Capital Perspective

access user-generated data in aggregated and individual form to improve outcomes. They also see value in connecting directly with consumers for engagement and marketing. Ginger.io, Eliza, and Achievemint are all working on solutions in this sector.

Access to healthcare information and services: There is a supply and demand problem between patient needs and access to healthcare (including health information). Appointments are hard to book, doctors are often late, visits are too short, and post-visit follow-up is cumbersome. Companies that are emerging as market leaders are ZocDoc, which helps patients schedule appointments, and HealthTap, which helps patients get their questions answered by doctors online. One Medical Group is also a leader in this space, and MyHealthTeams is a personal favorite.

Tackling readmissions: Hospital Impact reports that one out of every five Medicare patients is readmitted to the hospital within 30 days of being discharged. Medicare has a new policy—called a Readmissions Reduction Program—that docks up to 1 percent of pay for hospitals with high readmission rates. This very real cost of readmissions, estimated at $17.5B/year, is an area that can be addressed in part by technology. Wearable sensors, wireless tracking of vital signs, two-way information flow, and automated discharge plans can all help.

Tools for doctors: Manhattan Research reports that 62 percent of doctors use iPads and over 85 percent use smartphones professionally. Although selling into hospitals can be a cumbersome, lengthy, enterprise sales process, many companies are developing applications and technology that doctors adopt directly. Doximity has created a large social network for connecting doctors and Airstrip is a leader in delivering patients’ clinical data to a doctor’s mobile device. Medigram offers a secure text messaging system for doctors and nurses.

Lowering corporate insurance premiums: As payers’ costs go up, they increase premiums to corporations, and corporations in turn pass along many of these fees to their employees. Payers would likely lower premiums if convinced that a workforce is healthier than the baseline or overall health is improving. Several companies, such as Keas, RedBrick, Bloom Health, and EveryMove are trying to measure employee health and improve it by incentivizing employees to lose weight or stop smoking.

The venture capital community is certainly still looking for companies pursuing FDA-approved therapeutics and devices, but the emerging sector of digital health is continuing to garner attention. Firms that have traditionally invested in both healthcare and IT have a distinct advantage in this converged sector, but we are now beginning to see traditional IT firms investing in companies that are out to disrupt the current healthcare paradigm. A lot of firms lost significant capital in the late 90’s and early 2000’s investing in healthcare IT, which at the time was mostly enterprise software for hospitals. This time around we expect real cost savings and data-driven improved outcomes with several long-standing companies built in the process.

Author: Skip Fleshman

Skip Fleshman is a Managing Partner at Asset Management Ventures. He has founded two startups and has worked in both small and large organizations. Skip has operational experience in software, visual systems and government sales. Before Asset Management, Skip was an officer in the United States Air Force where he served as a fighter pilot flying the F-16. He flew 37 combat missions during Operation Desert Storm and also served as the wing expert in electronic combat systems and programs, including advanced radar theory and electronic countermeasure systems. After the Air Force, Skip flew in the Air National Guard and was a founder and executive at BGI LLC - a private company that develops software, training programs and simulators for US and foreign militaries and partnered with major defense contractors such as Boeing, Raytheon, Lockheed Martin, and L3 Communications. At Asset Management Ventures, Skip has invested in the mobility, datacenter and health science technology (HST) sectors. Skip is also on the board of the Johnson Foundation and enjoys outdoor activities, flying and soccer. He received a Bachelor of Science degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of California at Davis. Skip was a Sloan Fellow and received an M.S. in Management from the Stanford University Graduate School of Business.