The Top 10 San Diego Cleantech Milestones of 2012

UC San Diego a grant (with charging manufacturers RWE and ABB) to install 26 Level Two chargers and three DC fast chargers on the UCSD campus, once added giving UC San Diego the largest array of campus EV charging in the world. Building out the EV charging infrastructure is critical to ensure the continued growth of clean vehicles in San Diego, where more than 2,000 EVs already are humming along.

4) Californians statewide voted overwhelmingly in November in favor of Proposition 39, an initiative to close a corporate tax loophole for out-of-state companies—which represents an estimated $1 billion a year in new tax revenues. Half the revenues generated by passing Prop 39 will fund energy efficiency and clean energy programs at schools and municipal buildings throughout the state over the next five years, including San Diego.

5) San Diego Mayor Sanders joined Smart City San Diego—a collaboration among GE, SDG&E, UC San Diego, City of San Diego and CleanTECH San Diego—to dedicate the Solar-to-EV Project in the San Diego Zoo parking lot. The project features 10 solar canopies producing 90 kilowatts (kW), enough to power five EV charging stations and to charge a 100-kW energy storage system using new battery technology. It is the first system of its kind in the U.S. to harness solar energy for the combined use of charging plug-in electric vehicles, energy storage, and supplying renewable energy to the grid.

6) San Diego Gas & Electric, which provides electricity for over 3.3 million people in Southern California, energized the Sunrise Powerlink, a 500,000-volt transmission line that links San Diego to

Author: Jim Waring

Jim Waring is a co-founder and executive chairman of CleanTECH San Diego, a non-profit industry association established to stimulate innovation and advance the adoption of alternative energy technologies, cleantech, and sustainable industry practices in the greater San Diego region. An environmentalist and former real estate attorney, Waring serves on the San Diego Mayor’s Taskforce for Economic Development. He also is a member of the U.S. Bank Regional Advisory Board, a commissioner on the San Diego Housing Commission, and serves on a newly formed advisory board for the Joan Kroc Peace and Justice Institute at the University of San Diego. Waring was the City of San Diego’s deputy chief operating officer for land use and economic development from January 2006 to August 2007. From 1981 to 2006 he served as Of Counsel with the San Diego law firm of Ross, Dixon and Bell; his legal practice focused on transactions and negotiations for the acquisition and sale of assets. He also is the co-founder and co-owner of FI Financial, a real estate development firm. He also is a past chairman and board member of both the San Diego Natural History Museum and the River Network, a national environmental group based in Portland, OR. Waring obtained a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration from the University of Southern California, a JD from the University of San Diego School of Law, and a Masters in Peace & Justice Studies from the University of San Diego’s Joan Kroc Institute.