Startups Offer Webcam Workouts for the Gym-Averse

simply see if the video-training experience works for you. So far, a couple hundred trainers have already made it through Wello’s training process, and a lot more are still in the queue.

Wello, like competitor Powhow, also offers a different kind of attraction: personal training for the gym-shy. Not everyone likes to strut before bodybuilders in their yoga pants. And having only one person see you wobble through a beginner class might appeal to those who fear the personal training world.

For others, being able to work out with friends who can be located anywhere in the world is a fun novelty too. Silverglide joins her East Coast-based mother in an online workout at least once a week.

Users can also chat with trainers before their sessions to give them a sense of their comfort level with an exercise and what pieces of equipment they have. If there’s a yoga mat or weights and a jump rope at home, that can help trainers tailor the experience.

And that’s where Wello may outweigh other options for many users. It offers real training with a lot of personal interaction, yet none of the friction of going to the gym.

Here’s a video from Wello.

Author: Elise Craig

Elise Craig covers technology, innovation and startup culture in the Bay Area. She has worked as a news producer on the breaking news desk of the Washington Post and as an assistant research editor at Wired magazine. She is also an avid freelance writer and editor and has written for Wired, BusinessWeek,, MarketWatch,, and others. Craig earned her bachelor’s degree in English from Georgetown University in 2006, and a master’s of journalism from the University of California at Berkeley in 2010.