To ‘Lean In’ or Not to ‘Lean In:’ Is That the Real Question?

greater than those of men for the foreseeable future. It’s clear to me that a balanced life still is much more elusive for women than it is for men. So I say, women first need to consider the costs and benefits of leaning in to build that career, and then they should examine the personal and professional costs of not doing so. Each of us should have the opportunity to make our personal choices, while respecting other women for the clearly tough decisions they often have to make.

Let me briefly share my personal journey. When I was 18, I moved to the United States from my home country of Turkey to study engineering and business at Cornell University on a merit scholarship. After graduation, I leaned in and did very well professionally. I chose to have my kids later than many of my friends, enabling me to establish myself in my career first. I moved into a C-level position in a public company in my thirties, but then I decided to lean back a bit and opted for the consulting life. Why? I wanted to spend more time with my young family. And, no—this is not a euphemism for being unable to get a job. I was being asked to consider numerous C-level opportunities during those years. I simply wanted to work less and be with my kids more.

I won’t pretend my situation is typical. I was fortunate enough to have a consulting career for five years and still be able to return to the C-suite last year when I chose to join San Diego-based Anametrix. I also won’t pretend I am not making sacrifices now as a startup CEO; long work hours and arduous travel schedules are taking a major toll on my life. Since I do my utmost to spend time with my kids and my husband, the result is practically no “me” time. Nope, there is no free lunch. But those of us who are fortunate can at least have the opportunity to make the choices that are best suited to our individual situations at any given time. And by being trailblazers and pushing to change the conditions for working women, we can perhaps, improve the opportunities for more women to get the benefits of leaning in when they opt to.

I hope watching me juggle the life of businesswoman, mother, and wife provides a good role model for my two young kids. When I receive an award or publish an article, it’s a joy to hear my kids say, “Mommy, I know you are proud of what I do. I just want you to know that I am very proud of you, too.” That’s a priceless experience, one that is worth the short nights of sleep and lack of personal time.

I’d like to close with a key point Sheryl makes: marrying the right person really does make a difference. A partner who doesn’t just help with the family duties but accepts them as a joint responsibility is an absolute must to maintain sanity (and marital bliss). I would also like to add how important it is to have extended family close by. Thank you, Scott, and thank you, Mom! You make it possible for me lean in as much as I choose. Last but not least, a hat tip to the generations of women who fought so hard to change social policies and achieve equal rights. It is due to your efforts and sacrifices that we even get to discuss the merits of whether or not to lean in—and continue your work to create a better society for all of us.

Author: Pelin Thorogood

Pelin Thorogood is the CEO of Anametrix, a San Diego-based provider of cloud-based, real-time marketing analytics for Global 2000 B2C brands, publishers, and digital agencies. Thorogood is a 15-year executive and thought leader in marketing and analytics, and also serves as Executive-in-Residence at Cornell University's Johnson Graduate School of Management.