The $100M Club: Where the Major League Life Sciences Companies Are

[Updated: 1:15 pm PT 11/10/13] People love to rank U.S. biotech clusters. Most of these reports are full of data on venture financing, patents, jobs, and NIH funding. But many are riddled with flawed and biased methodology, and are usually designed to push a political agenda.

These rankings, which many people take at face value, have been irritating me for a long time. So last week, I decided to ask a few different questions in order to compare the relative strength of biotech hubs we cover at Xconomy.

How many life sciences companies (drugs/devices/diagnostics/tools) in our regions have at least $100 million in cash and short-term investments to pursue their ambitions? How many members of the “$100 million club” did each of these regions boast 10 years ago? What might that tell us about which regions are gaining strength, or fading?

I chose this question for a simple reason. There are lots of biotech companies with cool technology, big dreams, and smart people. But few ever secure the big bucks necessary to truly execute on their plans as independent companies.

I chose $100 million in cash as the cutoff, partly because it’s a nice round number, and partly because after a dozen years of writing about biotech, I can’t remember a company with less making much of a difference with an FDA-approved product. Companies good enough to join the “$100 million club” are good enough to secure significant backing from Wall Street, from partners, or they are solid enough to generate real ongoing cash flow. They have a fighting chance of advancing research and helping patients.

These companies with $100 million in the bank are sometimes thought of as “anchor tenants” in their regions. They are independent, with local executive management. They often have strong leadership, and a stimulating work environment that draws future entrepreneurs. They sometimes set a good example for startups, showing them what success looks like. They also have enough money to support a regional network of skilled service providers that all companies in the region depend on. They aren’t playing AA minor league ball anymore—they are in the major leagues.

A brief word on methods: To put together the chart below, I reviewed a variety of sources of company names. I leaned heavily on the membership list of companies in the Biotechnology Industry Organization, and compared it with a list of the trade group’s members a decade ago. Whenever I saw a public company from one of the Xconomy regions, I checked its quarterly reports filed with the Securities and Exchange Commission. I searched through filings for the period that ended June 30, 2003, and June 30, 2013. A few newcomers have joined the $100 million club the last couple months, because they did IPOs, so I added them to the list to make it as current as possible. A couple private companies are included because we know they have more than $100 million based on our reporting. None of the Big Pharma companies that are headquartered outside our regions are included, even when they have big research branches in our areas—as Roche does in South San Francisco and Sanofi does in Cambridge, MA, for example.

What I found surprised and depressed me. I live in Seattle, and it’s been painful to watch the Seattle biotech cluster lose almost all of its exciting, newsworthy, rich biotech companies over the past decade. It’s the only region that’s taken a major step backwards in this analysis, as Seattle had five members of the “$100 million club” a decade ago and just two today (with one barely hanging on). If Dendreon continues its slide, then Seattle Genetics will be the only member of the $100 million club left standing. Local officials won’t admit in public that there’s a problem, and as far I can tell, they still seem to think if they repeat everything’s great, people will believe it. But they ought to be paying attention to this disturbing trend. If things are so great, then why are skilled biotech workers finding it so tough to find jobs here? Why aren’t more exciting companies getting started?

Boston is a completely different story. Even though I’ve been watching it gain momentum for years, I was surprised at how much it dominated San Francisco on this score. The Boston region is by far the No. 1 biotech cluster by this measure, home to 37 members of the $100 million club. Even more surprising is the powerful trend in its favor—Boston has three times as many financially strong, independent biotech companies as it had a decade ago. That’s true even after Genzyme was acquired by Sanofi, and no longer counts as a local, independent company.

The San Francisco Bay Area comes up in second place, with 26 members of the $100 million club in life sciences. Genentech, acquired by Roche in 2009, no longer makes the list because it’s part of a Switzerland-based company. Onyx Pharmaceuticals would be here, but it recently was acquired by Amgen. BayBio president Gail Maderis notes that a few local companies are close to having that much cash on hand (Cepheid, Five Prime Therapeutics, KaloBios) to name a few. Affymetrix has also been thriving lately and is using its increasing cash flow to grow the business, Maderis says.

I asked Paul Hastings, the CEO of Redwood City, CA-based OncoMed Pharmaceuticals and a BayBio board member, if he was concerned about how many more $100 million companies reside in Boston.

“No, I’m not,” Hastings said via email. “The biotech wave is a cyclical one and the industry as a whole is strong with Boston doing a well-deserved ‘great’. Boston, New York, California and all biotech clusters work together to drive this success. I am happy for my friends I’m Boston and determined to keep San Francisco and all of California front and center as well.”

As always, I welcome comments and insights from readers around the Xconomy network. If I’ve overlooked any companies headquartered in your region with $100 million in cash and short-term investments—and I’m sure I have missed a few—please let me know and I’ll update the list.

2003 2013
San Francisco Genentech Gilead Sciences
Gilead Sciences BioMarin Pharmaceutical
Abgenix Medivation
Affymetrix Exelixis
BioMarin Pharmaceutical Pharmacyclics
Cerus Genomic Health
Chiron InterMune
CV Therapeutics ChemoCentryx
Exelixis OncoMed Pharmaceuticals
Incyte Hyperion Therapeutics
Nektar Therapeutics Portola Pharmaceuticals
InterMune Nektar Therapeutics
Tularik Pacific Biosciences
Varian Medical Systems Rigel Pharmaceuticals
Applied Biosystems Theravance
Celera Genomics Vivus
Agilent Technologies Intuitive Surgical
Genencor International Jazz Pharmaceuticals
Maxygen Astex Pharmaceuticals
Varian Medical Systems
Bio-Rad Laboratories
Agilent Technologies
Impax Laboratories
Total: 26
  2003 2013
Boston Biogen Biogen Idec
Genzyme Boston Scientific
Boston Scientific Thermo Fisher Scientific
Thermo Fisher Scientific PerkinElmer
PerkinElmer Alnylam Pharmaceuticals
Alkermes Ariad Pharmaceuticals
Millennium Pharmaceuticals Alkermes
Charles River Labs Sarepta Therapeutics
ImmunoGen Ironwood Pharmaceuticals
Transkaryotic Therapies Agios Pharmaceuticals
Vertex Pharmaceuticals AVEO Oncology
Waters Cubist Pharmaceuticals
Moderna Therapeutics
Bluebird Bio
Foundation Medicine
Acceleron Pharma
Infinity Pharmaceuticals
Aegerion Pharmaceuticals
AMAG Pharmaceuticals
Celldex Therapeutics
Synageva Biopharma
Idenix Pharmaceuticals
Momenta Pharmaceuticals
Charles River Labs
Acetylon Pharmaceuticals
Intarcia Therapeutics
Vertex Pharmaceuticals
Total: 37
2003 2013
Seattle Icos Seattle Genetics
Corixa Dendreon
Cell Therapeutics
2003 2013
San Diego Amylin Pharmaceuticals Illumina
Isis Pharmaceuticals Isis Pharmaceuticals
Arena Pharmaceuticals Arena Pharmaceuticals
Idec Pharmaceuticals Sequenom
Neurocrine Biosciences Santarus
ResMed Acadia Pharmaceuticals
Neurocrine Biosciences
Acadia Pharmaceuticals
Total: 12
2003 2013
New York/New Jersey Pfizer Pfizer
Merck Merck
Johnson & Johnson Johnson & Johnson
Bristol-Myers Squibb Bristol-Myers Squibb
Celgene Celgene
C.R. Bard C.R. Bard
Becton Dickinson Becton Dickinson
Regeneron Pharmaceuticals Regeneron Pharmaceuticals
NPS Pharmaceuticals Acorda Therapeutics
The Medicines Company The Medicines Company
OSI Pharmaceuticals NPS Pharmaceuticals
ImClone Systems Ophthotech
Medarex PTC Therapeutics
Schering-Plough Intercept Pharmaceuticals
Wyeth Forest Laboratories
Forest Laboratories
2003 2013
Texas Tanox Lexicon Pharmaceuticals
2003 2013
Boulder/Denver, CO Array Biopharma
Clovis Oncology

































































Author: Luke Timmerman

Luke is an award-winning journalist specializing in life sciences. He has served as national biotechnology editor for Xconomy and national biotechnology reporter for Bloomberg News. Luke got started covering life sciences at The Seattle Times, where he was the lead reporter on an investigation of doctors who leaked confidential information about clinical trials to investors. The story won the Scripps Howard National Journalism Award and several other national prizes. Luke holds a bachelor’s degree in journalism from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, and during the 2005-2006 academic year, he was a Knight Science Journalism Fellow at MIT.