Future Salon with David Brin

Future Salon presents an evening with science fiction author David Brin. From the organizers:

“We are starting the Future Salon 2014 with a bang.

Scientist and Science Fiction Author David Brin will engage with us on Wednesday the 5th of February from 6pm onwards. Please Register!

Eventbrite – Future Salon with David Brin

David Brin is always interesting and mind expanding. In his book The Transparent Society from the late 90s he wrote about his vision of the comming surveillance state and our need to watch our watchers. The time is now to implement these checks and balances. Don’t miss this Future Salon. In 2004 David Brin was Keynoting the Accelerating Change conference. Evelyn Rodrigues did a writup. #futuresalon

From Wikipedia:
David Brin is an American scientist and award-winning author of science fiction. He has received the Hugo,[1][2]Locus,[3][4][5] Campbell[6] and Nebula Awards.[7] His Campbell Award winning novel The Postman was adapted as a feature film and starred Kevin Costner in 1997. David Brin’s nonfiction book The Transparent Society won the Freedom of Speech Award of the American Library Association and the McGannon Communication Award.

Follow David’s activity on Google+

We have the Southern Cross reserved, the best room for an engaging dialog with the audience. Max capacity for that room is 70 seats. Therefore there are only 70 tickets available. This will sell out. Please Register! to ensure a space.

Wednesday, February 5th, 6pm-9pm

6-7pm networking 7-9 presentation/interacitve session with David Brin.

SAP Labs North America, Building 1
Room: Southern Cross. Up the stairs in the corner.
3410 Hillview Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94304 [map]

P.S. We will try our best to webcast the event via Google HangOut. Details to come.”

Information here, registration here.