Biopharmaceutical Haiku

Patients ask doctors

Can you sequence my genome?

Enter brave new world


One word description

Newly approved cancer drugs



Hot biotech trend

Virtual drug companies

Who will do research?


Can’t be denied now

Obamacare launch shaky

Improvements needed



Challenges remain ahead

Gold mine, or fools gold?


Hype is well deserved

Immunotherapy soars

Keeping fingers crossed


Big pharma layoffs

World of hurt for smart people

Fries with that burger?


Payments to docs stopped

GSK sets example

Will others follow?


Orphan diseases

Big Pharma disdained, now loves

New hope for the few


IPO window

Best jump through it while you can

May close tomorrow


Drug regulations

Disliked by industry but

Safety paramount


Best research advice

Embrace collaborations

Experts can help you



Still desperately needed

Bacteria change



Mergers and acquisitions

Good for some, not all


Healthcare in U.S.

Broken system needs repair

Wish I lived in France


Hot technology

CRISPR – Can fix broken genes

Godsend if it works


Next blockbuster drugs

Cholesterol lowering

Outcomes not required?


Pharma mindset changed

Who is our customer now?

Patient or payer?


Schekman wins Nobel

Goodbye Cell, Science, Nature

Easy for him to say


Can’t afford your meds?

Insurance copays too high?

Hello Canada



Feel free to add your own haiku in the comments section below!


Author: Stewart Lyman

Stewart Lyman is Owner and Manager of Lyman BioPharma Consulting LLC in Seattle. He provides advice to biotechnology and pharmaceutical companies as well as academic researchers and venture capital firms. Previously, he spent 14 years as a scientist at Immunex prior to its acquisition by Amgen.