PivotDesk Launches in 23 New Markets in Rapid Nationwide Expansion

with PivotDesk. [Sharing offices] was not something people thought of at the time, so we really needed to spend our time doing a lot of solid groundwork before we launched in a market,” Mandell said.

“Over the past 18 months or so, the brand has gotten much, much stronger. People are starting to understand who we are, and some people are even starting to use our name as a verb,” for finding or sharing office space, he added.

Mandell admitted that nearly quintupling the number of cities PivotDesk serves presents a challenge, but said that the company and its investors are confident it will work.

“Our goal is to flip the switch all at once,” Mandell said. “We’re going to work as aggressively as we can in every market all at once.”

“We’re hoping that the strength of our brand, word of mouth, and more people understanding what we do is going to help those markets grow much quicker than those original markets did,” he said.

In other news, PivotDesk also released an e-book today titled “Build, Grow, Learn, Know: The Wonderful Life of a Startup.” The short book is written like a children’s book, and Mandell said writing it was a chance to take a humorous look at the struggles of building a startup.

Author: Michael Davidson

Michael Davidson is an award-winning journalist whose career as a business reporter has taken him from the garages of aspiring inventors to assembly centers for billion-dollar satellites. Most recently, Michael covered startups, venture capital, IT, cleantech, aerospace, and telecoms for Xconomy and, before that, for the Boulder County Business Report. Before switching to business journalism, Michael covered politics and the Colorado Legislature for the Colorado Springs Gazette and the government, police and crime beats for the Broomfield Enterprise, a paper in suburban Denver. He also worked for the Boulder Daily Camera, and his stories have appeared in the Denver Post and Rocky Mountain News. Career highlights include an award from the Colorado Press Association, doing barrel rolls in a vintage fighter jet and learning far more about public records than is healthy. Michael started his career as a copy editor for the Colorado Springs Gazette's sports desk. Michael has a bachelor’s degree in English from the University of Michigan.