Video Predictions for Houston 2035: Register Now for Thurs. Event

Houston 2035

The line between robot and human will be getting even more blurred.

So says John Holcomb, director of the Center for Translational Injury Research and vice chair of the department of surgery at UT’s Health Science Center in Houston. Sensors embedded within us, he says, will sync in real time with the cloud, offering caregivers a chance to prevent sickness before it even starts.

Sounds a little too science fiction? That’s the thing about predicting the future. Often, the most outlandish-sounding things today do become common tomorrow. I’m fairly certain Houston’s healthcare innovators will have somehow leveraged technology to improve care for us all.

Holcomb will be joining others just two days from now at the Houston 2035 conference, a daylong event taking a hard look at how innovative Houston will be in the decades to come. On Thursday, May 21, we will gather entrepreneurs, executives, and other leaders and innovators to discuss how Houston can leverage its strengths in healthcare, energy, education, and other industries to exemplify the innovative city of the future. It all takes place at TMCx, the accelerator at the Texas Medical Center and soon-to-home of J-Labs Houston.

As part of the leadup to the event, we asked a few speakers to do selfie videos predicting what Houston will look like in 20 years. Besides Holcomb’s, we have one from startup founder Alex Schueller (below).

Among the other speakers lined up for Houston 2035 are Catherine Clark Mosbacher, president and CEO of the Center for Houston’s Future; Bonnie Dunbar, a former astronaut and director of the University of Houston’s STEM Center and Science Engineering Fair Houston; and Brett Giroir, CEO of the Texas A&M University Health Science Center and “Ebola Czar” for President Obama. Click here for the entire agenda.

It promises to be a fascinating discussion. Register now for your ticket—they are going fast.

Schueller, one of the founders of Medical Adhesive Revolution, a German-born medical device company, has only had to be in Houston for a year—his company won the Rice Business Plan Competition last year—for him to see Houston’s innovative potential. When MAR decided to make Houston its headquarters, Schueller moved here as well.

He believes space vacations courtesy of NASA will become the norm. And—perhaps it takes a European to think so—that also Houston, energy capital of the world, will embrace public transportation.

Again, we hope to see you on Thursday. You can register here.

Author: Angela Shah

Angela Shah was formerly the editor of Xconomy Texas. She has written about startups along a wide entrepreneurial spectrum, from Silicon Valley transplants to Austin transforming a once-sleepy university town in the '90s tech boom to 20-something women defying cultural norms as they seek to build vital IT infrastructure in a war-torn Afghanistan. As a foreign correspondent based in Dubai, her work appeared in The New York Times, TIME, Newsweek/Daily Beast and Forbes Asia. Before moving overseas, Shah was a staff writer and columnist with The Dallas Morning News and the Austin American-Statesman. She has a Bachelor's of Journalism from the University of Texas at Austin, and she is a 2007 Knight-Wallace Fellow at the University of Michigan. With the launch of Xconomy Texas, she's returned to her hometown of Houston.