All In One Place: A New Immuno-Oncology Trial Resource

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Table last updated 3/8/17

CAR-T and Other Cell Therapy Clinical Trials

Latest ResultsMain FindingsTrial ID
or Name
axicabtagene ciloleucel (KTE-C19)Kite Pharma2NHL17-Feb24/62 CR (3 mo)
36/101 CR (6 mo)
DLBCL pts lower response rates than TL/PMBCL
Safety (101 pts): 3 deaths, 13% CRS, 28% NE (≥gr3)
axicabtagene ciloleucel (KTE-C19)Kite Pharma1NHL15-Oct3/7 CR (12 mo)ZUMA-1
axicabtagene ciloleucel (KTE-C19)National Cancer Institute1NHL16-Jun11/22 CR, 1 relapseNCT00924326
axicabtagene ciloleucel (KTE-C19)Kite Pharma1/2adult ALL16-DecZUMA-3/4 combined: 9/11 CR
5/13 gr3 or higher CRS
5/13 gr3 or higher neurotox
axicabtagene ciloleucel (KTE-C19)Kite Pharma1/2pediatric ALL16-DecZUMA-3/4 combined: 9/11 CR
5/13 gr3 or higher CRS
5/13 gr3 or higher neurotox
JCAR014*Juno (Fred Hutchinson)1/2CLL, ALL, NHL16-Jun31/33 CR in ALL
19/41 CR in NHL
15/17 CR in CLL
JCAR015**Juno (Memorial Sloan Kettering)1adult ALL16-Jun41/51 initial CR
73% OS (6 mo)
JCAR015**Juno (Memorial Sloan Kettering)1NHL15-Jun5/8 initial CRNCT01840566
JCAR015**Juno2adult ALL17-MarTrial and all JCAR015 development ended after 5 deaths.ROCKET
JTCR016Juno (Fred Hutchinson)1/2AML16-DecPost-BMT treatment 12/12 CR
median follow-up 2+ yrs
JTCR016Juno (Fred Hutchinson)1NSCLC, mesothelioma16-Apr3 treated, 1 PR, 1 €"stable"NCT02408016
JCAR017Juno1NHL16-Dec12/20 CR
gr3-4 neurotox in 3/22 pts
no "severe" CRS
JCAR017Juno (Seattle Children’s)1/2pediatric ALL16-Nov40/43 initial CR (21 days)
51% EFS and 69.5% OS (12 mo)
53% DFS and 74% OS (12 mo)
JCAR018Juno (National Cancer Institute)1pediatric ALL16_AprMedium dose: 3/3 CR (3-6 mo)
Low dose: 1/6 CR w/relapse (3 mo)
CTL019Novartis (U. Penn)1pediatric ALL15-Dec55/59 CR (1 mo)
18/38 CR (12 mo)
CTL019Novartis (U. Penn)2NHL15-Dec7/26 CR (3 mo)
13/26 CR (6 mo)
CTL019U. PennN/Aadult ALL15-Dec15/27 CR
(better rate in group receiving higher dose over 3 days)
CTL019Novartis (U. Penn)1multiple myeloma15-Sep1/10 CR (12 mo)
6/10 PFS (1-8 mo)
CTL019Novartis (U. Penn)2pediatric ALL16-Dec41/50 CR (3 mo)
25/50 relapse free (6 mo)
48% serious CRS; no deaths
CTL019Novartis2adult DLBCLN/ADue 16-DecJULIET
CART-BCMAU. Penn (rights to Novartis)1multiple myeloma16-Nov6 pts, 1 "€œstringent"€ CR, 1 PR, high toxicityNCT02546167
bb2121Bluebird (Celgene)1multiple myeloma16-Nov7 of 9 pts with response
2 "€œstringent"€ CR, 1 VGPR, 4 PR
BCMA CARNational Cancer Institute1multiple myeloma16-Sep12 pts, 2 VGPR, 1 stringent CR then relapse (17 wks)NCT02215967
(See p. 53)
two infants in CR, 1 adult deceasedcompassionate use
UCART-19Servier (Cellectis)1pediatric ALL16-Dec
(See p. 53)
2 pts: 1 CR (4 mo), 1 relapsed (6 mo) w/gr3 CRSPALL
UCART-19Servier (Cellectis)1adult ALL16-Dec
(See p. 53)
2 pts: 1 CR (4 mo), 1 deceasedCALM
NY-ESO TCRAdaptimmune1/2synovial sarcoma16-Oct7/20 OR across 4 cohorts
6/12 OR in cohort 1, median duration 31 wks
NY-ESO TCRAdaptimmune1/2multiple myeloma16-Jun3/22 CR (100 days)
20/22 OR (100 days)
NY-ESO TCRAdaptimmune1/2melanoma16-Jun0/4 ORNCT01350401
NY-ESO TCRAdaptimmune1/2ovarian cancer16-Jun0/6 ORNCT01567891
BPX-501Bellicum Pharma1/2BMT support for cancer, other blood diseases16-Dec
16/17 leukemia pts & 35/35 non-cancer pts "disease-free."€
Median follow-up 7 mo (cancer), 25-34 mo (non-cancer)
NKG2D CAR TCelyad1AML, myeloma16-Nov11 pts, 0-11 ORs after 28 days; 9 went to "subsequent therapies"NCT02203825
HER2-CARBaylor College of Medicine1Her2+ glioblastoma15-Nov8/16 ORR: 7 pts stable disease > 6 wks. Median OS 11.6 months from infusion.NCT01109095
HER2-CARBaylor College of Medicine1/2Her2+ sarcoma15-May19 pts. Median OS 10.3 mos. (Range 5.1 to 29.1 mos.)NCT00902044
CAR-K+Baylor College of Medicine1Lymphoma, myeloma, leukemia16-Jun9 NHL/CLL pts: 2 CR, 1 PR. 7 myeloma pts: 4 w/stable disease.NCT00881920
TIL + IL-2Lion Bio (NCI)1melanoma16-July101 pts: 24% CR in both arms.
Radiation: median OS 38.2 mo
No radiation: 36.6 mo

*JCAR014 is a non-commercial program that Juno has said is only intended for early clinical studies.
**Juno ended all JCAR015 development in March 2017.

Clinical terms
DFS: Disease-free survival. Length of time post-treatment the patient survives without sign of cancer.
PFS: Progression-free survival. Length of time post-treatment the patient survives without the cancer getting worse.
CR: Complete response, or complete remission: A patient’s cancer is undetectable.
OR: Objective response. A patient’s treatment has made a measurable effect on the cancer.
PR: Partial response. (VGPR = very good partial response.)
OS: Rate or percentage of people who survive after the start of treatment.
CRS: Cytokine release syndrome. A dangerous immune side effect triggered by T cell activity against cancer cells.

Disease and other abbreviations
ALL: Acute lymphocytic (or lymphoblastic) leukemia
AML: Acute myeloid leukemia
BMT: Bone marrow transplant
CLL: Chronic lymphocytic leukemia
NHL: Non-Hodgkin lymphoma. Subtypes include DLBCL (diffuse large B-cell lymphoma), PMBCL (primary mediastinal large B-cell lymphoma), and TFL (transformed follicular lymphoma).
NSCLC: Non small cell lung cancer

Photo of William Coley courtesy of The Wellcome Trust via Creative Commons.

Author: Alex Lash

I've spent nearly all my working life as a journalist. I covered the rise and fall of the dot-com era in the second half of the 1990s, then switched to life sciences in the new millennium. I've written about the strategy, financing and scientific breakthroughs of biotech for The Deal, Elsevier's Start-Up, In Vivo and The Pink Sheet, and Xconomy.