Despite Political Rhetoric, Staff Diversity Remains a Top Priority

I don’t think the election of Donald Trump as president does much to bolster those in tech working on creating a more inclusive and diverse industry, but I will continue to be a champion for it nonetheless. Specifically, I’ve ended 2016 by doubling our team at Localeur and introducing an Advisory Board, both of which strongly reflect our continued understanding that our success is going to be fueled by a diverse community of locals.

Travel is an industry that impacts social norms and attitudes, and it’s an industry that has a substantial impact on the overall economy whether you’re in Austin for SXSW or New York for a business trip. That said, the leading travel companies, from Airbnb to TripAdvisor, should work harder and harder to ensure that their business models and products reflect the diversity of the American people and the global travel industry. In 2017, as Localeur begins international expansion, we’re going to push ourselves to be a leader in creating a more inclusive and diverse community for people who travel and seek authentic, local experiences.

[Editor’s note: To tap the wisdom of our network of Xconomists, we asked a few of them to answer questions heading into 2017 about the most pressing issues facing the innovation community, such as: “Given the political climate around diversity in tech and innovation, do you plan to change any of your programs or hiring practices? Why?” You can see other questions and answers here.]

Author: Joah Spearman

Joah Spearman is the co-founder and CEO of Localeur, a community of locals who share their favorite places to eat, drink, and play. The Austin, TX-based startup was named "Best New Startup" by Austin Monthly and an "A-Lister" by the Greater Austin Chamber of Commerce and SXSW. Before Localeur, Joah was director of operations and strategic initiatives at Bazaarvoice and led travel market strategy. Joah previously co-founded an experiential marketing agency which created the official style programs for both SXSW and ESPN X Games. He has been named the Emerging Business Leader of the Year by the Greater Austin Black Chamber and is a four-time finalist for the Austin Under 40 Awards. Joah co-authored the University of Texas-book "Real Role Models: Successful African-Americans Beyond Pop Culture" and serves on the board of directors for AIDS Services of Austin.