Xconomy Forum: Robo Madness 2017— A.I. Gets Real

Robotics and artificial intelligence have gone mainstream, with major consequences for business and society. From warehouse automation and self-driving vehicles to smart home assistants and drones, robotic technologies are poised to transform daily life and work. But they’re also raising questions about A.I. ethics, the future of jobs, and the competitive landscape in technology.

How will robotics and A.I. reshape the economy and create new opportunities (and challenges) across industries? Who are the hottest companies that will compete with the likes of Google, Amazon, and Uber to create the future? And what are New England innovators doing to strengthen the local cluster and help lead the national discussion? At our third annual robotics and A.I. conference in Boston, we’ll address these questions, and much more, in a series of interactive talks, panels, and demos.

Confirmed speakers include:

Stephen Wolfram, Founder & CEO, Wolfram Research
Helen Greiner, Founder & CTO, CyPhy Works
Marc Raibert, Founder, Boston Dynamics
Jeremy Wertheimer, Vice President Engineering, Google
Chris Jones, VP Technology, iRobot
Semyon Dukach, Managing Director, Techstars Boston
Tom Ryden, Executive Director, MassRobotics
Carl Vause, CEO, Soft Robotics
Anatoly Gorshechnikov, Co-founder & CTO, Neurala
Joshua Feast, Co-founder & CEO, Cogito
Slater Victoroff, Co-founder & CEO, Indico Data Solutions
Richard Waters, CEO, MERL (Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories)
John Rizzi, Executive Director, Robots In Service of the Environment
Carmichael Roberts, Founding Partner, Material Impact
Sasha Hoffman, COO, Piaggio Fast Forward
Brendan Kohler, Co-founder & CTO, Sentenai; Co-founder, Hyperplane Venture Capital
Bryan Healey, Director of AI, Lola
Maia Heymann, General Partner, Converge Venture Partners
Eric Daimler, Founding Managing Partner, The Robotics Hub
Krishna Gupta, Founder & Managing Partner, Romulus Capital
Rudina Seseri, Founder & Managing Partner, Glasswing Ventures

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Registration: 12:30 – 1:30 pm
Program: 1:30 – 5:30 pm
Networking Reception: 5:30 – 6:30 pm
View the full agenda.

Registration Information:

Saver Bot: $225
Regular Registration: $295
Startup Special: $125
Student Registration: $40
At the Door: $350

Sponsorship or Demo Space:

If you would like to be a sponsor or demo your product/technology, please contact [email protected].

*Speakers and program schedule are subject to change.

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