An Evening of Diversity and Inclusion at Biotech Week Boston

Connect with leaders who are ready to talk about diversity and inclusion with practical solutions for propelling all dimensions of diversity throughout your organization.

Lead the Way: How to Champion Diversity and Inclusion in Life Sciences
6:00 – 7:00 PM
We all agree that diversity and inclusion is an integral part of a successful organization’s culture. What can you do to make sure that diversity of race, gender, sexual orientation, backgrounds and perspectives is part of your company’s DNA? Hear from industry executives who are leading the way by implementing diversity and inclusion programs at their companies and organizations. Panelists will discuss what it takes to be a leader that drives diversity throughout an organization, and other actionable takeaways to get conversations about inclusion moving throughout your organization.

7:00 – 8:00 PM
Following the panel, join attendees for cocktails and conversation at an interactive networking reception. Members of the life science community who are forging the path for diversity will lead roundtable discussions throughout the room. Meet a potential mentor, connect with other attendees, and have substantive conversations about diversity and inclusion.

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