
CrowdFlower is spearheading the creation of CrowdConf, the first conference centered around the emerging field of crowdsourcing and the future of distributed work. Researchers, technologists, outsourcing experts, legal scholars and artists will gather in San Francisco on October 4 to discuss how crowdsourcing is transforming human computation and the future of work.

From the event website:

“The Event

We bring together researchers, technologists, outsourcing experts, legal scholars, and artists to discuss the rapidly democratizing and flattening of the global labor market.

The event includes a series of peer-reviewed presentation tracks, posters, technology demonstrations as well as invited keynote addresses from leaders in crowdsourcing.

“The Future of Crowdsourcing

Crowdsourcing is the act of engaging distributed groups of people to complete micro-tasks or generate information. It represents an expanding sphere of innovation, organization, data collection, and creativity.

Crowdsourcing raises complex questions about the future of work; the technical and organizational infrastructure used to complete large-scale tasks; and the relationships between computers, people, and the networks that connect us.


  • Past, present, and future of crowdsourcing
  • Quality assurance and metrics
  • Social and economic implications of crowdsourcing
  • Task design/Worker incentives
  • Innovative projects, experiments, and applications”

Information and registration here.