
“The brainchild of MITX (Massachusetts Innovation & Technology Exchange) and a group of leading thinkers in marketing and media, FutureM is a collective effort in which the event hosts – companies, organizations, venture firms, university groups, and clubs – identify pressing issues, forecast and analyze trends, and initiate discussions designed to explore the future of marketing.

Massachusetts’ digital marketing, media and technology industries are vibrant and FutureM provides the forum to showcase local talent, tap innovative thinking, and uncover leading edge technology. There is no other event like FutureM to hit the streets of Boston. Over the course of five days, more than 35 events and activities will take place to allow participants to share, explore and gain inspiration from the newest technologies and insights destined to change the way marketers think, create, engage and measure.

Eight topical areas – branding, community/social media, customer experience, data and measurement, design, emerging technology, platforms and strategy – form the framework for FutureM events. Organizations representing many disciplines, including design, strategy, technology, media and investment, will host the events (most last a few hours, some are all-day events) that will take place throughout Greater Boston.”

Registration information is here.