MITEF NW Enterprise Forum: Bing, Bang, Boomer! How an Active Aging Population will Demand and Drive Technology Innovation

Today, 112 million Americans are over the age of 45, representing the fastest-growing, highest-spending segment of any single demographic in history. They want to age in place, and make connecting with family and friends easier – both online and off. Extending the time their aging parents can remain in their own homes, and living closer to urban areas is important to them. They also want to make managing and improving their health and well-being easier, and on their own time.

As an affluent group who adopts technology with enthusiasm, and is willing to try new brands, it will be fascinating to watch over time how innovative companies develop specific products to meet the needs of what represents 36% of the U.S. population, and how they get marketed.

Join the NW Enterprise Forum for its first Enterprise Forum of 2011 as our panel of speakers explores how sensor, robotic, software, wireless, UX, hardware, mobile and networked technologies are all coming together to enable products and services for this growing customer segment.

More information and registration here.