If the Venture Model is Broken, Who’s Funding All these Startups?

A Dealmaker Media Strategy Series event. From the event description:

“Early stage investing is booming and we are finally seeing the kind of exits that show signs of a potential IPO market in our future. What is the new business of investing – startups are getting funded at rapid speeds, if venture is broken, who’s doing the investing? What role do angel fund and incubators like Ycombinator and Techstars play in nurturing entrepreneurs to build better, bigger companies?

In this Strategy Series we’ll Discuss:

What is the new model for investing?
Who are the new “super angels” and how are they changing the landscape for investors and startups?
Does anyone care about building a big company or do they still want to flip for 20x returns?
How will the competition between Apple and Google fuel innovation and how can entrepreneurs take advantage of it?


Rob Hayes, Managing Partner – First Round Capital
Mike Hirshland, General Partner – Polaris Venture Partners
John O’Farrell, General Partner – Andreessen Horowitz
Naval Ravikant, Entrepreneur and Angel investor, AngelList and Co-founder of VentureHacks.com

Moderator: Craig Miller, Partner – Manatt”

Information and registration here.