Drupal Business Summit

From the event website: “The social business revolution is happening. In today’s increasingly interactive marketplace, Drupal enables companies to embrace communities and to harness the power of the social web to deliver real business value. At Acquia, we have seen some highly innovative, creative and business impactful implementations of Drupal that have enabled companies to create communities, get closer with their customers and employees and improve top and bottom line ROI. So we are taking to the road to share it with you.

At the Drupal Social Business Summit – a one day meetup in 4 cities—New York, Washington, DC, San Francisco, and Chicago—where we can come together and learn more about the powerful impact that a social business strategy with Drupal as its foundation can have on every business. Who should attend? VPs, Directors who are responsible for Interactive Media, Social/New Media, Web Application Management, Marketing and Branding, and Senior IT professionals. This event is intended for non-technical business leaders. (yes, the suits!)”

The San Francisco version of this event will feature speaker Charlene Li, author of the book Open Leadership, Co-author of Groundswell, and founder of Altimeter Group.

Information and registration here.