Zencoder Obtains $2,000,000 New Financing Round

  • Feed Type
  • Date
  • Company Name
  • Mailing Address
    2913 Harriet Ave. S. Minneapolis, MN 55408
  • Company Description
    The company transcodes videos for media content owners.
  • Website
  • Transaction Type
    Venture Equity
  • Transaction Amount
  • Transaction Round
  • Proceeds Purposes
    The company will use the financing to accelerate its growth initiatives.
  • M&A Terms
  • Venture Investor
    Andreessen Horowitz
  • Venture Investor
    Ignition Partners
  • Venture Investor
    Lowercase Capital
  • Venture Investor
    SV Angel
  • Venture Investor
    Founder Collective
  • Venture Investor
    500 Startups