Launch: Silicon Valley

From the event description: “Launch: Silicon Valley 2011 will be held on June 7, 2011 at the Microsoft Campus in Mountain View, California. The event, co-presented by SVASE, Garage Technology Ventures and Microsoft is designed to uncover and showcase products and services from the most exciting of the newest startups in information technology, mobility, digital media, next generation internet, life sciences and clean energy This year, not only will 30 exciting startups launch their products in front of an audience of VCs, Angels, Corporate Executives, Bloggers, Press & TV cameras, but there will also be a range of lively, informative discussions, fireside chats and keynotes to bring you up-to-date perspectives on hot topics.

Watch out for-
An informative discussion on The Changing Face of Venture Capital
Fireside chat with Gavin Newsom, Lieutenant Governor, California
An opinionated, passionate discussion on ‘Should startups aim to Sell Fast, or Grow Big’
and more..

There will be a pre-event launch party on the evening on June 6 at a prestigious location in Palo Alto for Presenting Company Executives, Registered Audience Members, Bloggers, Press, Sponsors, Advisory Board and invited guests.”

Information here, registration here.