Venture Shift

Vator.TV and Bullpen Capital present an evening on the changes rocking the venture investing realm. From the event registration site: “There has been an emergence of a shadow venture system over the past several years as angels have institutionalized, yesterday’s successful multi-millionaire entrepreneurs have become a legitimate capital market, and incubators have re-entered the funding formation process in droves. In the later stages, a few traditional VCs are turning into mutual funds. Add DST and secondary markets, and the world of investing has profoundly changed.

Join us on the evening of July 20, 2011 in San Francisco along with top angels, venture capitalists and entrepreneurs to explore the changes disrupting the VC industry.

The questions to explore are: How do these developments change the VC game and capital-formation process and exit dynamics? How are the rise of angels, super angels, incubators changing the stakes across the board? Are 10x returns elusive? How are secondary markets adding value?

This event is ideal for entrepreneurs seeking to understand the new world order of venture financing from start to finish. Super angels and angels and venture capitalists should also join the event to mingle and connect with fellow investors shaping the new era of venture investing.

Speakers TBA

Agenda (all times are in PST):
4:00 to 5:00: Networking, snacks
5:00 to 5:30: Opening remarks, Bambi Francisco, BullPen
5:30 to 6:40: Keynotes
6:30 to 7:05: Panel #1: How angels and super angels/micro-cap VC funds are changing the stakes
7:05 to 7:35: Snacks, drinks and networking
7:35 to 8:10: Panel #2: Has the traditional VC industry been forced to pivot by the rise of the super angels?
8:10 to 8:45: Panel #3: Money finds a way: How secondary markets have opened up new financing options
8:45 to 9:20: Panel #4: Super angels, micro-VC, options buyers: Which early-stage strategy is best?
9:20 to 12 midnight: Afterparty with Coverflow”

Information here, registration here.