Enabling the Cleantech Revolution

[Editor’s note: We asked a group of Xconomists to answer the following question: “If you could patent one thing, what would it be?”]

It is a very dynamic time for the emerging cleantech market, and success will only be ensured if strong technologies are combined in systems that work the first time. So, if I only could file one patent at this time when the global cleantech innovation machine is going through the validation stage, it would be a patent that defines system functionality and defines classes of components. The result would encourage players to seek system integration at an early stage of prototyping and product development. It would also drive testing parameters into uniformity, which would allow common understanding as well as performance comparison on an “apples to apples” basis.

My wish would be to enable more collaboration between innovators so that the end customers can drive success through adoption of a data-driven reasoning path. The need for green technology in the world is very large, and we need to do everything to enable implementation of technologies working in harmony.

Author: Christina Lampe-Onnerud

Christina Lampe-Onnerud is the founder and international chairman of Boston-Power and a well-known authority in the battery industry. She has pioneered the use of lithium-ion and other materials to deliver more powerful, longer lasting, safer and cost-effective batteries for laptops, PDAs, cell phones and other electronic devices. Prior to founding Boston-Power, Dr. Lampe-Onnerud was one of the youngest partners ever appointed at Arthur D. Little/TIAX, where she ran the company's globally- renowned battery labs, defined strategies for the world's top chemical and battery organizations, and directed high-profile market evaluations. Earlier in her career, she served as a director and senior scientist at Bell Communications Research. Awarded 15 patents in portable power solutions, with 6 patents pending, Dr. Lampe-Onnerud has been recognized among the 100 Top Young Innovators by Technology Review, MIT's Magazine of Innovation. She has also served as keynote speaker on power issues at industry and government initiatives for more than 15 years. Dr. Lampe-Onnerud earned a Ph.D. in Inorganic Chemistry and a B.Sc. in Chemistry and Calculus from Uppsala University in Sweden.