Legal Aspects for Entrepreneurs and Their Companies

EFactor presents an interactive workshop covering crucial tax and legal issues facing entrepreneurs and their companies during the business lifecycle from start-up, expansion and exit. Our legal experts will give your professional advice on these and many more topics:

  • Getting the initial structure right
  • Rewarding employees with equity
  • Exit routes
  • Spouses as shareholders
  • Research and Development tax credits
  • Equity or debt financing from investors
  • Having a group of companies
  • ‘Cleaning’ up a group to maximize tax reliefs (or to avoid losing them)
  • Inheritance tax issues with companies and groups
  • Liquidations – when it all goes wrong

A key part of the workshop will be the opportunity to discuss with fellow entrepreneurs tax and legal issues they are facing and what solutions they found to be the most beneficial. You will be able to learn from others as to how to avoid legal mistakes and solve the problems you are facing now without spending large amount of money on legal help.

Information and registration here.