Was Alexander Graham Bell an Idea Thief? This Afternoon’s a Good Time to Find Out

There’s nothing like a good detective story to brighten up a gray day, and boy does Xconomy contributing writer Seth Shulman have a good detective story to tell. The central mystery: Did Alexander Graham Bell steal the idea for the telephone from rival inventor Elisha Gray? Seth spent several years poring over Bell’s notebooks and retracing his steps through 19th-century Boston and reached the conclusion that…

Well, if you want to know exactly what Seth concluded, I’d urge you to go hear him read from and answer questions about his new book on the Bell mystery today at 5:00 at the MIT Coop Bookstore in Kendall Square. (The store is just outside of the Kendall Square stop on the Red Line.) Seth’s a great storyteller and his book, The Telephone Gambit: Chasing Alexander Graham Bell’s Secret, has sparked its share of controversy so this promises to be a fascinating event.

And if for some reason you can’t make it, be sure to check out the excerpt from Seth’s book that we published last month in two parts. Part two has some particularly damning documentary evidence.

Author: Rebecca Zacks

Rebecca is Xconomy's co-founder. She was previously the managing editor of Physician's First Watch, a daily e-newsletter from the publishers of New England Journal of Medicine. Before helping launch First Watch, she spent a decade covering innovation for Technology Review, Scientific American, and Discover Magazine's TV show. In 2005-2006 she was a Knight Science Journalism Fellow at MIT. Rebecca holds a bachelor's degree in biology from Brown University and a master's in science journalism from Boston University.