XSITE Startup Audience Booming for Thursday Summit: See Who’s Coming

We’ve got a top-notch roster of speakers and panels for our Xconomy Summit on Innovation, Technology, & Entrepreneurship—less than 48 hours away—at Babson College. Entrepreneurs from companies like Evernote, Birchbox, and Terrafugia will take the stage to talk about innovation from their corner of the startup world. You’ll see more from the trenches during breakouts on cleantech, health IT, and information technology, and the day concludes with our Xpo segment, where 10 early stage tech companies each give a quick-hit presentation to earn audience applause. (Read more from my colleague Greg Huang for a deeper dive on each of those startups.)

But that’s not the whole story. We’ve worked several generous networking breaks into the day, where you can catch up with not just the startups who are on stage, but those who have signed up to attend and get in on the action as an audience member.

So far we’ve rounded up 79 tech startups represented in our total attendee list (speaker companies are marked below with an asterisk), and we’re confident there are more on the way. If you’ve already registered and we’ve missed you on the list, please tweet me or say so in the comments. And if you somehow haven’t managed to register yet, well, there’s still time for that too. We even have a Startup Special.

  1. Abroad101
  2. Actifio
  3. Adaptive Machine
  4. Adelphic Mobile
  5. Apptopia*
  6. Backupify*
  7. BE
  8. BEAN
  9. Birchbox*
  10. BISON
  11. Block Avenue
  12. Brown Aviation Lease
  13. C2Infinity
  14. Capital market exchange
  15. CoachUp
  16. Cogniance
  17. CraveLabs
  18. Curisma*
  19. Dejavu Technologies
  20. Early Global
  21. EnTrust Health
  22. Eragy
  23. ESL Panda
  24. Evernote*
  25. Exoprise
  26. FairSetup*
  27. FirstFuel Software*
  28. Fit Campus
  29. Gen9
  30. Ginger.io*
  31. Give A Buck
  32. Habitat Heroes
  33. Help Scout
  34. Ideaphi
  35. InCrowd
  36. Kyruus*
  37. Latitude News
  38. Laveem*
  39. Likelii
  40. Mapkin
  41. Medi Track
  42. Medical Exam of Me, M.E.Me
  43. Moontoast
  44. MyReci.com
  45. NeighborPower*
  46. netBlazr
  47. OnChip Power*
  48. Pact*
  49. ParElastic
  50. Pixability*
  51. PlasmaLogic
  52. PolyRemedy
  53. Powerhouse Dynamics*
  54. Privy*
  55. Protocol Technologies Group
  56. Quemath
  57. Quick Catch Labs
  58. RecoVend
  59. Retroficiency*
  60. RockTech
  61. Sample6 Technologies
  62. Segterra*
  63. Shopping Manager
  64. Slinglist
  65. SoundFest,
  66. Spar Networks
  67. SupRA
  68. Take the Interview
  69. Tap ‘n Tap
  70. Terrafugia
  71. Toast
  72. Tokutek
  73. Trendslide*
  74. TripReactor
  75. Unified*
  76. Vehrity
  77. ViziApps
  78. Vsnap*
  79. Zagster



Author: Erin Kutz

Erin Kutz has a background in covering business, politics and general news. She holds a bachelor’s degree in journalism from Boston University. Erin previously worked in the Boston bureau of Reuters, where she wrote articles on the investment management and mutual fund industries. While in college, she researched for USA Today reporter Jayne O’Donnell’s book, Gen Buy: How Tweens, Teens and Twenty-Somethings Are Revolutionizing Retail. She also spent a semester in Washington, DC, reporting Capitol Hill stories as a correspondent for two Connecticut newspapers and interning in the Money section of USA Today, where she assisted with coverage on the retail and small business beats. Erin got her first taste of reporting at Boston University’s independent student newspaper, as a city section reporter and fact checker and editor of the paper’s weekly business section.