RipplFX Mobile Media, a leading developer of children’s books, games and entertainment apps, presents “How to Create and Market a Children’s Book App,” a one day intensive workshop for aspiring authors and illustrators seeking to successfully publish and market their own digital titles.
The $99 workshop will be presented on Saturday, October 27, 2012, in San Francisco by Karen Robertson, author of the award-winning and internationally-acclaimed App Store “Top 5” download “Treasure Kai and the Lost Gold of Shark Island,” as well as “The Author’s Guide to Book Apps” and “How to Market a Book App.” Karen, who will be joined by a who’s-who line-up of world-renowned and prolific Children’s book and app authors and consultants, will guide attendees from manuscript to published book app in her fun and easy-to-understand, step-by-step process that has brought numerous other titles to realization and success in the App Store. This seminar will also provide unprecedented networking opportunities for authors, creators and artists who are in need of talent and partners in order to bring their titles to a successful reality.