Biogen Idec’s ALS Drug Fails Phase III Trial

A lot of patients’ hopes were dashed today with the news that Biogen Idec’s (NASDAQ: [[ticker:BIIB]]) closely watched drug dexpramipexole for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) failed in a late-stage clinical trial. The Weston, MA-based company said it will discontinue further development of the once-promising drug.

Biogen said the drug neither slowed the loss of muscle function nor prolonged the lives of patients with ALS, often called Lou Gehrig’s disease. Nor did it show any efficacy in secondary endpoints of the clinical trial, or work in any sub-group of patients—about a big a failure as a company can have with a Phase III trial.

Biogen’s stock dropped as much as 8 percent in early trading, and by mid-day was down 2.07 percent to $147.93 a share.

“As a physician who has treated people with ALS, I hoped with all my heart for a different outcome,” Douglas Kerr, Director of Neurodegeneration Clinical Research at Biogen, said in the press release. “While these results were not what we expected, we hope these data will provide a foundation for future ALS research.” The double blind, randomized trial, named EMPOWER, enrolled 943 patients in 11 countries and started in March 2011.

The ALS community knew that the EMPOWER was risky, given that ALS drugs have failed in more than 20 clinical trials, and that a Phase II study of dexpramipexole reported in Nature in late 2011 showed mixed results. At the January 2012 J.P. Morgan Conference in San Francisco, Biogen CEO George Scangos was reported as saying that the drug was “far from a long shot,” but some analysts and medical experts were still skeptical.

There are about 30,000 Americans with ALS, which attacks nerve cells that control muscle movement and typically results in death within a few years of diagnosis. The cause is not known and there is only one mildly effective drug to ease symptoms, riluzole (Rilutek), made by Sanofi (NYSE: [[ticker:SNY]]).

Biogen licensed dexpramipexole in August 2010 from Knopp Biosciences, based in Pittsburgh, for $80 million in upfront payments and up to $265 million in milestones. The Massachusetts company said it will continue to search for ALS drugs, noting that it has several other research programs underway for the disease. In December Biogen announced a research collaboration with Duke University and HudsonAlpha Institute to sequence the genomes of as many as 1,000 people with ALS over the next five years.

Author: Catherine Arnst

Catherine Arnst is an award- winning writer and editor specializing in science and medicine. Catherine was Senior Writer for medicine at BusinessWeek for 13 years, where she wrote numerous cover stories and wrote extensively for the magazine’s website, including contributing to two blogs. She followed a broad range of issues affecting medicine and health and held primary responsibility for covering the battle in Washington over health care reform. Catherine has also written for the Boston Globe, U.S. News & World Report and The Daily Beast, and was Director of Content Development for the health practice at Edelman Public Relations for two years. Prior to joining BusinessWeek she was the London-based European Science Correspondent for Reuters News Service. She won the 2004 Business Journalist of the Year award from London’s World Leadership Forum, and in 2003 was the first recipient of the ACE Reporter Award from the European School of Oncology for her five-year body of work on cancer. She holds a bachelor’s degree in journalism from Boston University.