Health Technology Forum Innovation Conference: Platforms for the Underserved

From the event website:

“This meeting explores innovations in healthcare technology that are making the best healthcare accessible to those with greatest need. Join us for:

Key Note Addresses by industry thought leaders on topics such as mHealth, healthcare policy, innovation.

Interactive Panel Discussions on the Future of Technological Innovation in Healthcare, Growth and Expectations.

Healthcare Technology Demonstrations in emerging healthcare innovations and Case Studies for best practices in technology deployment.

Registration includes full conference access, breakfast, lunch and a networking cocktail reception.


Morning Sessions

  • Registration/Breakfast
  • Keynote by NPR’s Tech Nation
  • Health Information Security Panel
  • Digital Media Law in Healthcare Panel
  • Technology for Dual Eligibles Panel
  • CEO Panel
  • Insurance Exchanges Panel
  • Patient Engagement Panel

Afternoon Sessions

  • Keynote/lunch
  • TeleMedicine Panel
  • Analytics/Big Data Panel
  • Design Thinking Panel
  • Case studies/Demos/Best practices
  • VC Panel
  • Robotics Panel
  • CMIO Panel”

Information and registration here.