Tech Transfer Summit North America 2013

From the event website:

“TTS Ltd. UCSF and BayBio are pleased to announce the 2013 edition of the TTS North America,  taking place at UCSF’s Mission Bay Campus in San Francisco on 29-30 July 2013.

Often imitated but never equaled, since 2007 the TTS Global Initiative has been the original and leading international meeting for biotech sector Industry-Academia licensing, partnering  & technology transfer.  First brought to the USA in 2011 at the invitation of the NIH Office of Technology Transfer, who hosted the first TTS North America on the NIH Campus, the TTS is designed to help all Tech Transfer Offices build the same expertise and relationships that has enabled the top TTOs to do the deals and sign the licensing agreements that have brought so much benefit to their universities, institutes, departments and researchers. The TTS North America is the flagship summit of this key international initiative and community of leading technology transfer, licensing, IP and early stage biotech innovation and venture professionals world wide.

With open discussions and debates on best practices, lessons learned, and key issues like negotiations, strategic industry-research collaborations, the TTS is, most importantly, the key platform and meeting place for TTOs to meet with and understand their counter-parts from industry.  After all, you cannot negotiate a win-win agreement if you do not understand the objectives and priorities of your negotiation partner, and you cannot negotiate deals with pharma without sitting down with their key licensing executives.  The TTS is where such stakeholders come to meet and build relationships with TTOs.

A unique opportunity for Tech Transfer Offices, Project Managers and biotech CEOs who are seeking either to collaborate with or in-license from universities and institutes, or who have technology or product officers for industry and understand the value of two days of interactive discussion with top industry licensing executives.

Participation of many leading Tech Transfer Office Managing Directors and CEOs, active Venture Capital Investors, and leading pharma and industry licensing Executives, is already confirmed!

The TTS North America is one event no Tech Transfer Officer, Research Manager, Biotech CEO, Industry Licensing Executive, or BioRegion Director should miss.

A key opportunity for university, research institute, and science park Technology Transfer Officers (TTOs), Deans, Presidents and Chairmen, biotech CEOs, industry executives, bioregion executives and innovators, and early stage entities — the TTS is a key opportunity to meet with senior international industry licensing and business development executives, investors, biotech sector leaders, IP experts and serial entrepreneurs from around the world.  Not for just quick “in the box” meetings, but for 2 days in an exclusive and highly interactive setting designed specifically to disseminate knowledge, experience and best practices, and most importantly to foster licensing, partnering, technology transfer, and to provide you the relationships you need to move your company, project or technology transfer office or programme forward.

For industry licensing executives, external R&D Directors, business development managers, biotech CEOs seeking to fill your pipeline — the TTS North America is your ideal source of deal flow from leading universities and research institutes across the USA, Canada, and worldwide.  Not just a series of presentations, but direct interaction with the innovators and technology transfer officers representing leading universities, research institutes, science parks, as well as biotech CEOs, local biotech sector leaders and industry, the Summit is an un-matched opportunity for accessing world-class innovative science.

Confirmed attendance by top industry Licensing, External Research, and Business Development Executives along with financiers and leading academic research universities and institutes verifies the Summit’s role as the premier international platform for biotech Industry-Academia partnering, licensing and collaboration. Participation in the Summit is limited.”

Information and registration here.