Knome Offers Thriftier Gene Sequencing

Knome, a personal genomics startups located in Cambridge, MA, announced today the launch of its newest product, a partial genome sequencing package called KnomeSELECT. The service will cost $24,500 for individuals, but is discounted to $19,500 per person for couples and family groups. The firm’s more comprehensive whole-genome sequencing service, KnomeCOMPLETE, costs $99,000. Rather than decoding a person’s entire genetic blueprint, KnomeSELECT looks only at the exome, the protein-coding regions of the DNA.

Author: Roxanne Palmer

Roxanne Palmer is interning at Xconomy's Boston office this summer. She is currently pursuing a master's degree in science and medical Journalism at Boston University after graduating from Brown in 2008 with a degree in English. Her thesis was on Herman Melville's Civil War poetry. When not chronicling the ups and downs of Boston's tech industry, Roxanne enjoys drawing, swimming, and birdwatching. Follow her on Twitter at, or email her at [email protected].