Ultra Light Startups Investor Feedback Forum

Ultra Light Startups brings together the world’s most innovative technology entrepreneurs, in monthly events and accompanying online communities. Events feature pitching, networking and interactive, moderated panel discussions with leading industry experts. Topics to be covered include design, technology, marketing and finance.

December‘s Investor Panelists:

Jeffrey Finkle, Co-Chairman Evaluation Committee, ARC Angel Fund

Josh Guttman, General Partner at SoftBank Capital

Adam Rothenberg, Partner at BoxGroup

KJ Singh, Director of TechStars NYC


Startup Pitches:

Jim Medalia – 225AM.com

Adam Stein-Sapir – LiveAce

Graham Clarke – Insight Replay

Raphael Crawford-Marks – bonus.ly

Pam Cooper – Boosterville

Gary Stout – CardSpark

Stony Grunow – Daddy Donkey Labs

Kaiyi Chu – Votopin

Cynthia Schames – AbbeyPost


Objectives are:

To help early stage startups refine their investor pitch

To provide actionable advice and feedback for each presenting startup

To provide insight on how investors evaluate startups and pitches

To award prizes to the most viable startups, based on audience voting
