Xconomy Xchange: New York’s Life Science Disruptors

Virtually every life sciences startup, investor, or research effort aims to challenge the status quo. But in New York, this unfolding story of disruption might be unparalleled. Perhaps nowhere in the country are scientists, entrepreneurs, non-profits, and investors doing more to not only shake up their fields, but also band together to build the city’s life science innovation machine from the ground up. But what are their specific goals, and what is their approach to building great biotech companies and research programs? Which areas are being targeted? And how can this all get done in a city starved for a biotech startup culture, despite all its financial and industry power?

Join us for this unique, interactive evening featuring stories from some of the region’s most radical life science leaders out to change the definition of New York biotech through broad academic-industry partnerships, advances in genomics, cancer research and rare diseases, and a new style of biotech-pharma dealmaking that extends across the life sciences world.

Confirmed Speakers:

  • Ron Cohen
    • CEO, Acorda Therapeutics
  • Alex Denner
    • Founding Partner, Sarissa Capital Management
  • George Golumbeski
    • Senior Vice President of Business Development, Celgene
  • Francois Nader
    • President and CEO, NPS Pharmaceuticals
  • Eric Schadt
    • Director, The Icahn Institute for Genomics and Multiscale Biology
  • Marc Tessier-Lavigne
    • President, Rockefeller University
  • Special Guest: Meg Tirrell
    • Biotechnology Reporter, Bloomberg News

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Registration & Networking: 4:30 – 5:30 pm

Program: 5:30 – 7:00  pm

Networking reception: 7:00 – 8:00 pm

Full agenda here

Registration Information

Regular Registration: $125

Startup Special: $75

Student Registration: $30

At the Door: $150

Register Now

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