Ultra Light Startups Investor Feedback Forum

Ultra Light Startups brings together the world’s most innovative technology entrepreneurs, in monthly events and accompanying online communities. Events feature pitching, networking and interactive, moderated panel discussions with leading industry experts. Topics to be covered include design, technology, marketing and finance.

February’s Investor Panelists:

David Aronoff, General Partner at Flybridge Capital Partners

Brian Cohen, Chairman at New York Angels

Will Peng, General Partner at Red Swan Ventures

David Teten, Partner at ff Venture Capital


Startup Pitches:

AlleyWire – Neil St. Clair

Hublished – Ben Borodach

LevelsPro – Stuart Silverman

Decorilla – Agnieszka Wilk

Social Workout Media – Oliver Ryan

StyleUp – Kendall Herbst

Healthjump – Mark Ribeiro

TopShelf Clothes – Katie Nadler


Objectives are:

To help early stage startups refine their investor pitch

To provide actionable advice and feedback for each presenting startup

To provide insight on how investors evaluate startups and pitches

To award prizes to the most viable startups, based on audience voting
