Early Bird Pricing Ends Tonight for Big Data Meets Big Biology

Life sciences companies are now looking to the tech world to help solve some of the big challenges they are facing in such data-intensive fields as genomics, digital health, and neuroscience. For example, Grail, the diagnostic startup formed earlier this year to develop a blood test sensitive enough to detect early stage cancer, recently named top Google engineer Jeff Huber as CEO.

Xconomy will be exploring this confluence of tech and life sciences at our forum, “Big Data Meets Big Biology,” on March 31. The leaders we’re bringing together include prominent tech speakers from the San Diego Supercomputer Center and Human Longevity Inc. and life sciences luminaries from the J. Craig Venter Institute, Illumina, and UC San Diego.

We’ve also asked local startup founders to explain how innovations they’ve developed in computing, analytics, and software are being used to tackle challenges in big biology. We hope you can join us in Torrey Pines Mesa at the Illumina Theater at the Alexandria for what is sure to be an engaging event.

Register here before midnight tonight to save 30 percent on your ticket—and encourage your friends and colleagues to join as well.