Big Data Meets Big Biology in San Diego, and Tickets Are Going Fast

Less than 15 tickets remain for next week’s Xconomy forum on Big Data Meets Big Biology. Join innovators in both data science and the life sciences on March 31st as they discuss how they are combining forces to solve some of the most-deeply entrenched problems in genomics, digital health, and other fast-growing life sciences fields.

This forum is intended to highlight how San Diego software developers and tech entrepreneurs can take advantage of the opportunities now emerging for IT innovation in the life sciences sector.

We’re especially pleased to host Francis deSouza, who was named to succeed Jay Flatley in a few months as CEO of Illumina (NASDAQ: [[ticker:ILMN]]), the San Diego-based company at the vanguard of next-generation gene sequencing technology.

Francis deSouza
Francis deSouza

Other speakers include Nicholas Schork of the J. Craig Venter Institute, Stephen Kingsmore of the Rady Pediatric Genomics and Systems Medicine Institute, Rob Knight of UC San Diego’s Center for Microbiome Innovation, and Franz Och—the former head of Google Translate who is now working to translate the DNA code of life for Human Longevity Inc.

Here’s our full roster of experts who are joining us to take on this important topic:

·       Ilkay Altintas, Chief Data Science Officer, San Diego Supercomputer Center

·       John Blume, CSO, Applied Proteomics

·       Francis deSouza, President and successor CEO, Illumina

·       Doug Eveland, CIO, CureMetrix

·       Lucian Iancovici, Senior Investment Manager, Qualcomm Life Fund

·       Kim Kamdar, Partner, Domain Associates

·       Stephen Kingsmore, President and CEO, Rady Pediatric Genomics and Systems Medicine Institute

·       Rob Knight, Professor of Pediatrics and Computer Science & Engineering, UC San Diego

·       Lance Myers, CTO, Sentrian

·       Franz Och, Chief Data Scientist, Human Longevity

·       Nicholas Schork, Professor and Director of Human Biology, J. Craig Venter Institute

·       Aditya Rajagopal, CTO, ChromaCode

·       Naveen Rao, Founder and CEO, Nervana Systems

·       Pieter van Rooyen, President and CEO, Edico Genome

View the full agenda, and register here to snag a seat before they sell out!