New Venture Models for Biotech

The market for new ideas in biotech is red-hot, but not every innovation – regardless of the potential – has the ingredients to go the distance. Every successful new company needs the perfect combination of passion, strategy, resources, and talent to make it big, but now more than ever it also requires finding a venture funding strategy tailor-made to your needs.

In order to assemble the optimal combination of partners to ensure that their ideas will make a difference for people, entrepreneurs first have to ensure that they understand the array of new venture models and options available to the biotech community. Venture companies have had to keep up with the complexity of approaches to innovation in the life sciences by offering a variety of financial vehicles, so how do you decide which venture model is right for your company?

Join Alexandria Real Estate Equities for a half-day summit at the Illumina Theater at the Alexandria in Torrey Pines, CA, to hear from, and network with, some of the most insightful minds in the biotech venture market, as well as innovators who’ve realized their dreams and created companies that are changing how life-sciences solutions are created, marketed, and consumed. The biotech field is rife with opportunities for innovation and venture capitalists are keenly watching for companies that have the right approach to break out.

Confirmed Speakers Include:
Ho Cho, Vice President, Biotherapeutics, Celgene
Richard Heyman, Executive Chairman & Co-founder, Metacrine
Jonathan Kabakoff, Senior Principal of Science & Technology, Alexandria Venture Investments & Alexandria Real Estate Equities
Kim Kamdar, Partner, Domain Associates
Jay Lichter, President & CEO, COI Pharmaceuticals
Marcos Milla, Synthorx
Dan Ryan, Alexandria Real Estate Equities
Jeff Stafford, President & CEO, Jecure Therapeutics
Carmine Stengone, President & CEO, Avelas Biosciences
Troy Wilson, Co-founder, President,& CEO, Kura Oncology
Angie You, Chief Business and Strategy Officer & Head of Commercial, Sierra Oncology
Zachary Zimmerman, Forge Therapeutics


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