Boston’s Life Science Disruptors 2018

Innovation is moving fast in biotech, and look no further than some of Boston’s latest emerging companies for proof. Beam Therapeutics, for instance, is taking CRISPR gene editing to the next level. Celsius Therapeutics is using machine learning algorithms to drill down into the genomic blueprint of single cells in search of a better understanding of why various diseases begin. And Arrakis Therapeutics is one of several new companies trying to target disease-causing RNA molecules with chemical drugs. How do disruptive visions like these come together and take shape within a company? How do their founders and investors turn these ideas into a business? And most importantly, how will their work impact the lives and health of patients?

Join Xconomy for this unique event featuring candid stories from some of New England’s most radical biotech company leaders, founders, and VC backers who are out to change the game in life sciences.