SPECIAL REPORT: 2019 Biopharma Outlook – Facing an Uncertain Future

After years of boom times, the U.S. biopharmaceutical industry is dealing with unprecedented threats on several fronts: public backlash against high drug prices, slowing sales, and the possibility of more government regulation.

In this Xconomy Special Report, our veteran biotech journalists Alex Lash and Ben Fidler bring you deep insights, based on conversations with key industry leaders, on what 2019 and beyond hold for biopharmaceutical companies. In this Report, you’ll learn:

  • The key indicators that suggest a possible downturn is on the way.
  • What biopharma leaders, Jim Greenwood of BIO, Abbie Celniker of Third Rock Ventures, and others, are saying about what these uncertain times mean for the industry.
  • Practical tips for young companies and investors on how to brace for rough seas ahead.

Here’s a taste of what Greenwood and Celniker told us:

Greenwood: “I view the current time as an existential threat to the industry.”

Celniker: “We’ve seen the volatility. But we’re less focused on the volatility and more on building these companies so that they can endure tough markets or take advantage of IPO windows when they’re open.”

For more, click here for a free download of the Special Report.

Author: Corie Lok

Corie Lok was formerly Xconomy's Special Projects Editor. Before joining Xconomy in 2017, she was at Nature for 12 years, first as an editor with the Careers section, then as a senior editor who launched Nature Network (a blogging and social networking website), and finally as an editor and features writer on Nature’s news team. She earned a master’s degree in science journalism from Boston University and was a producer on the science and health beat for two national radio shows at the Canadian Broadcasting Corporation (CBC) in Toronto. She then spent two years covering emerging technologies with MIT Technology Review before arriving at Nature. Corie is based in Boston and loves reading stories to her young son and playing the obscure but exciting winter sport of curling.