Networking for Fundraising Success

The Capital Network and NEVCA sponsor an evening even on “Networking for Fundraising Success.” From the event description:

“Please join us for a special networking event organized by The Capital Network (TCN), New England Venture Capital Association (NEVCA), and Foley Hoag with an honorary key note speaker, Lee Hower, a Principal at Point Judith Capital and the founder of LinkedIn—who will focus on the power of networking during the fundraising process. This special networking event brings together the area’s top Entrepreneurs, Venture Capitalists, Angel Investors and Strategic Partners for an evening of wine, food, and more important of all, networking. TCN and The Emerging Enterprise Center are the ideal community for investors and entrepreneurs to interact and uncover amazing opportunities.”

TCN season pass holders and NEVCA members get in free. TCN affiliates $10, students $5, all others $20. Information and registration here.