CIO Forum from WTIA

Info and registration here.

Designed as a highly-interactive meeting, this year’s Forum will feature two speakers and a panel discussion, with ample time for networking, audience discussion and Q&A. Attendance for the event is limited to CIO’s, CTO’s and Senior IT practitioners. Advanced approval is required prior to registration.

The New CIO Reality – Leadership Solutions for CIO Success

John Hughes, Founder & Principal, GrowthWave

CIOs consistently need to balance the dual challenge of leading a technology organization while at the same time relating to and adding value to the business. This presentation will provide thoughtful insights into the dual role of the CIO and provide leadership strategies that can be used to improve IT results, business results and a CIO’s own personal success.

The Coming Conglomeratization of Enterprise Technology Providers: Likely impact on the Buying and Selling of Technology in to the Enterprise

Matt McIlwain, Managing Director, Madrona Venture Partners

Each major shift in computing has involved a separation or combination of technologies that drive innovation. Virtualization and “cloud” are driving the latest major shift. These technology changes, and other macro forces, are motivating a wave of large company “conglomeratization”.

According to Matt McIlwain, Dell, Hewlett Packard, Cisco, EMC and others are all playing in this “conglomeratization,” as enterprise technology firms from a narrow focus to a race to fill holes in ever expanding vertical product lines. During this presentation, Matt will explore this trend with an eye to the future, discuss what appears to be a fundamental structural shift in the industry and its likely impact on CIOs and the buying and selling of technology into the enterprise.

Following this presentation, a panel of CIOs and CTOs will join Mr. McIlwain, providing their reaction to “Conglomeratization” as well as other anticipated technology or business developments that will impact enterprise IT over the next three to five years.


Bill Schrier, Chief Technology Officer, City of Seattle
Tony Tortorice, State CIO & Director of Washington’s Department of Information Services