VC Spotlight: Diabetes Diagnostics, Monitoring and Treatment

The prevalence of diabetes continues to grow, with nearly 8 percent of the U.S. population, or 23.6 million children and adults, who are living with the disease. According to the American Diabetes Association, nearly one third of the total economic cost of the disease—$174 billion—accounts for chronic diabetes-related complications. The increased percentage of people living with diabetes has led many Northern California life science companies to focus their development efforts on innovative treatments for the disease. This large and growing size of the patient population was not lost of the Northern California venture community with a number of Venture Capitalists and Angels investing heavily in diabetes diagnostics, monitoring and care. In a reverse pitch format a panel of investors will discuss their current interests, at what stage they are looking to invest, target markets and opportunities, therapies and technologies. Q&A and networking will provide an opportunity to better understand and form a successful relationship with investors. For more information on how to register, click here.