Cleantech Payday: An Expensive Lesson in Patience

Many software entrepreneurs and investors are looking to replicate their successes in cleantech. They are in for a surprise. While investors often have enjoyed quick returns in software, many of the opportunities in cleantech require longer-term commitments and overcoming some of the challenges outlined below. Long Development Cycles. There is a reason it’s called hardware. … Continue reading “Cleantech Payday: An Expensive Lesson in Patience”

Three Ideas to Help Entrepreneurs Do What Entrepreneurs Do Best

Entrepreneurs in Michigan can reinvigorate the economy by doing what innovators do best: using existing resources to create new value. Here are three resources Michiganders can leverage: 1. Michigan’s world-class universities—After the collapse of the steel industry in Pittsburgh, universities filled the void with new technology start-ups. The University of Michigan is one of the … Continue reading “Three Ideas to Help Entrepreneurs Do What Entrepreneurs Do Best”

Sourcing the Right Crowd

Commercialization is rarely a solitary pursuit; bringing an idea to the world requires a set of diverse skills and knowledge, a proverbial commercialization village. Or a crowd. Enter the power of crowdsourcing. Crowdsourcing refers to aggregating a large number of people to express their opinions or ideas about specific topics—and the term first appeared in … Continue reading “Sourcing the Right Crowd”

Universities: An Entrepreneur’s Ecosystem

Universities offer a thriving ecosystem that lends itself particularly well to entrepreneurship among students, faculty, and staff. My belief in the ability of the institution of higher education to foster entrepreneurship comes first hand from my experiences as a student entrepreneur at the University of Toronto, as well as my work with Young Inventors International, … Continue reading “Universities: An Entrepreneur’s Ecosystem”