Colleges Must Mix Entrepreneurial Skills, Traditional Liberal Arts

The great challenge facing higher education is to prepare students to navigate a world of accelerating uncertainty and faster churn. Training students to re-invent themselves every few years, as is already required in the world today, is an objective that legacy approaches to higher education is not optimized for. I’m convinced, however, that the University … Continue reading “Colleges Must Mix Entrepreneurial Skills, Traditional Liberal Arts”

An Entrepreneurship Competition Turns 5: Lessons Learned at CU-Boulder

The New Venture Challenge Championships at the University of Colorado, which wrapped up last week (see Xconomy’s coverage here), were magic. An April snowstorm did not deter more than 200 individuals from the community from packing the finals. Few things inspire like seeing entrepreneurs—especially students—solve problems by creating new companies. And the teams were great. … Continue reading “An Entrepreneurship Competition Turns 5: Lessons Learned at CU-Boulder”