Xconomy, Welcome to Texas, Where Energy Will Be Solved!

It’s great that Xconomy is finally getting to Texas. Which is not to say that I’m rooting for Austin over “Baustin.” Innovation is not a zero-sum game. Or, as they say around these parts, we know you’re not from Texas, but we’re glad you’re here. On the other hand, I spent 10 years trying to … Continue reading “Xconomy, Welcome to Texas, Where Energy Will Be Solved!”

My Three Predictions for 2011

In 2011, the U.S. economy will come roaring back as our businesses and their customers gain confidence that the electorate has come to its senses and chosen not to grow governments but economies instead. In 2011, the last jihadist jerk will accidently blow himself up, at home without harming anyone else. In 2011, the progress … Continue reading “My Three Predictions for 2011”

Blue Is the New Green: Why Energy Entrepreneurs Need to Think Different

Many innovators lament that the time-honored VC model does not work for what they call “cleantech” or “greentech.” They raise as proof the capital intensivity and long timeframes for energy start-ups. I say they have it backwards. Energy will get solved when the energy ecology changes to fit the VC model, not vice versa. Take … Continue reading “Blue Is the New Green: Why Energy Entrepreneurs Need to Think Different”