[Editor’s Note: We asked selected Xconomists a series of questions designed to zero in on the big issues of the year, including “What would you be willing to throw a punch over?”] It takes a lot to get me riled-up—I’m overly rational, if anything. Outside of the bad behavior we were supposed to outgrow in … Continue reading “The Situation at the FDA: We Are All to Blame”
Author: Bryan Roberts
Healthcare That Works
[Editor’s note: As a New Year’s exercise, we asked a select group of Xconomists to answer this question: “What’s the craziest idea out there that just might succeed?”] Reinventing the absolutely dysfunctional healthcare delivery system in the U.S. It is a daunting idea, as it requires major changes in 100 years worth of doctor and … Continue reading “Healthcare That Works”
Cure for Diabetes
[Editor’s note: We asked a group of Xconomists to answer the following question: “If you could patent one thing, what would it be?”] If I can only pick one, I’d patent a functional cure for diabetes—whether it’s an artificial pancreas, a treatment to spare beta cells, or a means to prevent insulin resistance. However it … Continue reading “Cure for Diabetes”
Three Ways To Make the Bay Area a More Stable Place for Innovation
1. Focus on real innovation to solve hard problems in needy markets. True innovation is all that matters. Unique products and ideas will always be able to find funding and are less likely to fall victim to boom/bust cycles. Too often, the “incremental, downside protection” or “me too” mentality takes over and you see features … Continue reading “Three Ways To Make the Bay Area a More Stable Place for Innovation”