So You Want to Be an Early Stage Investor?

I absolutely love what I do—running a seed-stage venture fund (Founders’ Co-op) and startup accelerator (Techstars Seattle)—but neither is a job with a well-defined career path. Unlike later-stage or public market investing, where finance and quantitative analysis is a big part of the job, effective early-stage investing requires a combination of human, strategic, and operational … Continue reading “So You Want to Be an Early Stage Investor?”

How Amazon Can Disrupt Smartphones and Take Apple & Google to School

The rumor mill is heating up on Amazon’s plans to enter the smartphone business—a fiercely competitive market currently dominated by Apple’s iPhone franchise and Google’s Android platform. Despite massive investments, Microsoft has so far failed to make inroads as a third platform, so Amazon will have to pull off some very impressive work on many … Continue reading “How Amazon Can Disrupt Smartphones and Take Apple & Google to School”