VCs May Face Backlash if Profits Come at Expense of Responsibility

Venture capital is, by nature, an optimistic industry, and venture capitalists have historically gone about their work comfortable that they were making positive societal contributions. When looking at VC activity over the past half century, one can see venture capital’s role in championing endeavors that advanced knowledge, improved health, increased worker productivity, and preserved natural … Continue reading “VCs May Face Backlash if Profits Come at Expense of Responsibility”

Tech Industry Must Implement Old-School Corporate Best Practices

There is little doubt that Silicon Valley has taken a reputational hit in 2017, partly as a result of the media’s usual star-making and -breaking process, but mostly through self-inflicted wounds. However, while specific details in the press may be shocking, the problems were predictable: Bad behavior often follows when there is an imbalance in … Continue reading “Tech Industry Must Implement Old-School Corporate Best Practices”

After Staring Down Adversity, Detroit is Perfect Place for Amazon HQ2

Detroit. There’s no mid-sized American city as revered, as iconic, as talked about as Detroit. That’s because no other city has symbolized America quite like it, or played a bigger role in shaping what we are as a nation. And the intertwining of Detroit with the future of America will become even clearer when it … Continue reading “After Staring Down Adversity, Detroit is Perfect Place for Amazon HQ2”

Trump Administration Should Examine How Dodd-Frank Stifles Capital

A review by the new Trump administration and Congress of the 2010 Dodd-Frank legislation could address many of the stifling, unintended consequences of that law. Although designed to address abuses in the financial system that led to the 2008 recession, the far-reaching legislation had problems from the start. And while experts of all political stripes … Continue reading “Trump Administration Should Examine How Dodd-Frank Stifles Capital”

In 2016, Time for Michigan Companies to Play for Long-Term Success

I believe that the most pressing issue for Michigan’s innovation community in 2016 is to think big. When the final numbers come in for 2015, we’ll find that it was a watershed year for fast-growth companies in the state. More venture capital came in than ever before, and more large investments than ever came into … Continue reading “In 2016, Time for Michigan Companies to Play for Long-Term Success”

Attracting, Retaining Talent Key to Driving Economy Forward

A major issue continues to be how to attract and train the necessary talent to drive forward both individual businesses and the economy as a whole. This issue is being addressed in pockets (such as some nascent, innovative programs in Michigan), but not nearly at the scope that is needed. Among other things, it involves … Continue reading “Attracting, Retaining Talent Key to Driving Economy Forward”