Schools Should Nurture Kids’ Natural Knack for Entrepreneurship

I think the most important change we could make in education would be to put more emphasis on exposing kids to entrepreneurship, starting very early on. I’ve found that kids have a natural inclination towards entrepreneurship—we just need to give them the opportunity to learn and practice the skills they need to act on their … Continue reading “Schools Should Nurture Kids’ Natural Knack for Entrepreneurship”

Build Locally, Thrive Globally: CEO David Cohen on Techstars’ Future

As we wrap up our seventh year of the Boulder Techstars program, it’s been a time to reflect on the past and look to the future. Not just the future of Techstars, but of startups everywhere. Because we strongly believe that we’re making a difference that spreads far beyond the companies we invest in or … Continue reading “Build Locally, Thrive Globally: CEO David Cohen on Techstars’ Future”