Want to Create More Startups? Do More to Corral Health Insurance Costs

Starting a business has always been a risky financial undertaking. With the huge rise in health insurance costs over the last decade, I’m increasingly worried we have created an enormous new obstacle that discourages and slows down the growth trajectory of new businesses. This post is not about rehashing the debates over the federal healthcare … Continue reading “Want to Create More Startups? Do More to Corral Health Insurance Costs”

DC Matters, But Biotech Can’t Neglect City Hall

Biotechnology companies who’ve taken time to focus on politics over the last few years have focused most of their attention on national-level issues. That’s understandable given the renewal of the Prescription Drug User Fee Act that controls FDA deadlines for reviewing new drug applications, legislation that would make it possible for makers of cheaper “biosimilar” … Continue reading “DC Matters, But Biotech Can’t Neglect City Hall”