“Danger!” — The Need for Active Watch of Patent Reform

“Danger, Will Robinson!” These immortal words uttered by the Robot in the 1960s television series “Lost in Space” are now part of our pop culture lexicon when warning of an impending, and sometimes unseen, threat. It’s too bad the Robot is just a fictional character, because as we’ve seen with recent economic and legislative happenings, … Continue reading ““Danger!” — The Need for Active Watch of Patent Reform”

The Obama Presidency: Some Needed Changes Likely Coming in the Life Sciences

For months and months, we heard the mantra of “Obama: the change we need; change we can believe in.” The election is finally over. The people have spoken. Now that Senator Barack Obama is president-elect, it is my hope that certain “changes” supported by the president-elect will help jump-start two areas of focus in the … Continue reading “The Obama Presidency: Some Needed Changes Likely Coming in the Life Sciences”

Baseball, Steroids, and Patent Reform

If you have been following the news in the last month or so, you’ve probably watched in amazement as Congress tackles one of our country’s most pressing issues. I’m not talking about the war in Iraq or the failing economy or even high energy costs. I’m talking about steroids in baseball—a blight on our national … Continue reading “Baseball, Steroids, and Patent Reform”

This is Personal: A Legislative Attack on Personalized Medicine

It has long been known that different individuals react to the same drug differently. Matching the right therapy with the right individual, commonly know as “personalized medicine,” could improve treatment, reduce side effects, and ultimately save healthcare dollars. This idea has captured the attention of not only research scientists, but also healthcare providers, the pharmaceutical … Continue reading “This is Personal: A Legislative Attack on Personalized Medicine”